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Home automation - setup PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Thursday, 18 August 2011 15:09


Hi Guys,

Last month we have included the home automation extensions in the Switchfin distro.
Let's describe shortly how it can be configured.

Command line

  • In case you have WLTC module plugged in your IP02/IP08 PBX and if you use Switchfin image with home automation support included you should see something like
    wltc_init: WLTC module found at port 1

    in your system log
  • To get the list of the all available MAC addresses of the remote devices one can do

root@ip0x:~> home-auto /dev/wltc get_address_list


  • To switch on the relay of one of the remote unit (WLRR) please enter

root@ip0x:~> home-auto /dev/wltc set_device 55:44:33:fe:ff:22:00:02 1

  • To check the state of given WLRR unit please enter the following command. Note that WLRR has local button for toggling of the relay state.
    The command below is retrieving the correct current state.

root@ip0x:~> home-auto /dev/wltc get_device 55:44:33:fe:ff:22:00:03

  • To switch off the relay of one of the remote unit please enther

root@ip0x:~> home-auto /dev/wltc set_device 55:44:33:fe:ff:22:00:02 0

Graphical User Interface (GUI)

Thanks to Jason we got home automation integrated in the GUI.
Let's describe how one can setup a simple IVR (DTMF control) using the two WLRR to control the Air Conditioner and the Cooker.

If you have WLTC inserted in your IP02/IP08 and two WLRR end devices plugged in the mains socket you will get them automatically recognized by the GUI.
The first step is to prepare an SIP extension so you can record some voice prompts (Extensions)




Now it is time to record voice prompt played on switch on/off of the Air Conditioner and the Cooker. (PBX Features -> Voice Menu Prompts)

Do the same for switching of of the Air Conditioner and Switching on and off of the Cooker.

Finally record the main Home Automation menu record. For the sake of this example explain in the voice prompt that
pressing 0 will switch on the Air Conditioner, 1 - Switch it off, 2 will turn on the Cooker and 3 will switch it off.
Finally you will have voice prompts as shown bellow (PBX Features -> Voice Menu Prompts)

Now is time to create four menus for the four main actions.
For the Switching on of the Air Conditioner we can do the following menu (PBX Features -> Voice Menus)
Use 'Playback' as the first action.

The second command in the menu you should set like this:

Do the same for the rest of the basic actions.
You will get the following menus (PBX Features -> Voice Menus)

The last step in our explanation is to prepare the main menu. Use the voice prompt you have already prepared.
For this menu instead of 'Playback' you have to use 'Background' action and thus allowing Asterisk to listen for the DTMF commands.
(PBX Features -> Voice Menus)

Press the KeyPress Events button and set the following

The keys actions should correspond to the explanation you have recorded in the Home_Auto_Main.gsm voice prompt.
Now you can set an incoming calling rule (PBX Features -> Incoming Calling Rules ) redirection to this menu.

This finalizes the steps needed. Press Apply Changes in the top right corner of the GUI window and you are ready
to test your home automation IVR.


Last Updated on Wednesday, 24 August 2011 18:42