Hi Guys,
During last month we have fixed some bugs related with the Fixed point implementation of Attrafax in Switchfin. Switchfin and the Fixed point Attrafax now passes all FAX tests as defined below:
In order to formalize the tests let's follow the original notation of attrafax-0.9/doc/t38-tests with some Switchfin interpretation.
So let define our setup like this
fax <-> dahdi <-> IP02/IP08 <-> sip <-> Zoiper
user 6000 -> DAHDI/1 and fax connected to it, this is reffered to PSTN below user 6001 -> sip account for Zoiper soft phone
Required configuration:
faxdetect = both
sip.conf - In both the global section and the device sections for the t38-capable devices add
t38pt_udptl = yes
fax = 6000 zoiper = 6001
[default] ; tdm part ======================= ; fax gw exten => ${fax},1,Dial(DAHDI/1)
; standalone app exten => 6701,1,RxFax_T30(/tmp/t30rx,6701)
; sip part ======================== ; fax gw exten => {zoiper},1,Dial({zoiper})
; standalone app exten => 6702,1,RxFax_T38(/tmp/t38rx,6702)
1) Testing the gateway. The test is done in both directions.
SIP-receiving, PSTN-transmitting gateway
- test G01: Send one page from fax to zoiper (extension 6001) and see if it's received ok.
- test G02: Send 10 pages from fax to zoiper (extension 6001) and see if it's received ok.
PSTN-receiving, SIP-transmitting gateway
- test G11: Send one page from zoiper to fax (extension 6000) and see if it's received ok.
- test G12: Send 10 pages from zoiper to fax (extension 6000) and see if it's received ok.
2) Testing the T30 (PSTN) applications:
Receiving a fax from the PSTN
- test G21: Send one page from fax to file (extensions 6701), see the received file.
test G22: Send 10 pages from fax to file (extensions 6701), see the received files.
Sending a fax to the PSTN:
- test G23: sending a tiff file to the fax. We do this test using call file like this
Channel: DAHDI/1 MaxRetries: 0 RetryTime: 10 WaitTime: 30 Application: TXFAX_T30 Data: /tmp/onepage.tiff|123456
3) Testing the T38 (SIP) applications:
Receiving a fax from Zoiper
- test G31: Send one page from Zoiper to extensions 6702, see the received file.
- test G32: Send 10 pages from Zoiper to extensions 6702, see the received files.
Sending over SIP, normal apps:
- Test G35: sending a tiff file to Zoiper. We do this test using call file like this
Channel: SIP/6001 MaxRetries: 0 RetryTime: 10 WaitTime: 30 Application: TXFAX_T38 Data: /tmp/onepage.tiff|123456
Source Code:
To enable Attrafax in Switchfin just enable it in menuconfig.
For people willing to use it on other platforms fixed point Attrafax patch can be found in our SVN at https://switchfin.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/switchfin/switchfin/trunk/package/attrafax/attrafax.patch The Patch should be applied against Atrafax-0.9.
We are using Asterisk 1.4.32 and to get the Attrafax gateway functionality working you need to apply the patch at https://switchfin.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/switchfin/switchfin/trunk/package/asterisk/asterisk-attrafax.patch
On the fixed point Blackfin CPU we got about 700% speed up. Speed up on a systems with floating point support (like x86) will not be that much but probably still significant. Let us know if you get some performance measurements on x86 or other platforms.
Once again thank you Zoiper guys for sharing Attrafax!